How small and midsize businesses in Missouri can compete like corporations

by Ted Stahl | NOC Technology

Benefits of moving your business to the cloud

Since the beginning of time, businesses that evolved with modern technology succeeded while those that resisted change failed. Today is no different. Modern businesses are dependent on IT. But much of the top tech talent has been consolidated by high-paying corporations in relatively few metropolitan areas like San Francisco, Seattle, New York, and Austin. Businesses lacking IT skills or access to tech talent generally fail to thrive. They don’t have the agility, efficiency, or capability needed to advance in modern business. So, how can local businesses with a tech skills gap operate and compete like corporations? Moving their business to the cloud can help.

Moving your business to the cloud can help improve productivity and reduce operating costs, capital expenditures, and risk. Here are a few benefits of cloud computing .

Reduced Spending

On-premises servers are costly assets that cut into a business’s bottom line. Servers and related hardware such as racks, battery backups, and cooling systems cost thousands of dollars and must be replaced every 3 to 5 years. They generate maintenance costs, increase energy consumption, and take up usable space in a building.

Moving your business to the cloud can minimize these recurring capital expenditures and operating costs. Cloud storage is also more cost-efficient, as you only pay for the data storage you need. Flexibility in data storage and remote access to data allows businesses to scale rapidly or even temporarily.

Improved Data Security

43% of all cyber-attacks are targeted at small businesses. 60% of small businesses that suffer a data breach from these attacks go out of business within six months. These are debilitating events for a business. Secure private clouds like ours encrypt and back up data. This makes your data unreadable to criminals and recoverable in the event of a disaster or cyberattack. 

Increased Agility

Remote data access allows businesses to react and respond faster. Think about when businesses moved to remote work during covid. Businesses with cloud-enabled operations didn’t skip a beat while others continue to catch up to this day. 

IT Support

One of the great benefits of the cloud is the available support resources. NOC Technology hosts our own private cloud. Our cloud-computing clients receive proactive system monitoring and management and have access to 24×7 IT support.

If you’re interested in how cloud computing can make your business more productive, efficient, and secure, contact NOC Technology for a free assessment. No sales speeches, just information.


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