by Jon Lober | NOC Technology
When you leave for vacation, you probably make sure the stove is turned off and set your thermostat to “away” mode. If you feel a bit antsy about an empty house, you might also give your neighbors the heads-up and leave that light on in the living room (even if you know you that you’re not fooling anyone).
Though summer might give you the chance to get away from your office, it gives cybercriminals the chance to get into your accounts. As normal business and personal routines become disrupted, we become more likely to fall for scams. You, nor your colleagues, nor your employees, are immune.
In a previous post, we looked at some common summertime scams. Now we are going to look at some ways to protect you, your family, and your business from common seasonal frauds.
Travel-related scams have become increasingly diverse throughout the years. As you research your next trip, keep your antennas up for the following red flags that could indicate that you might be planning your next headache instead of your next vacation.
Scammers are constantly inventing new ways to steal your information and hard-earned money. Here are a few ways to foil their attempts.
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